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God And Grandmothers

One of my sisters was visiting us and enjoying a cup of tea the other day. Our conversation got around to us getting my mom’s Christmas tree up, lit and decorated. She brought an envelope from my mom, which contained a Christmas gift for our daughter and son in law out West. My sister mentioned that mom had a stack of envelopes for all us siblings, our kids, grand kids, and great grand kids, but needed help with all the names. Now as I thought of this, the number was staggering to us. Every year momma makes sure that no one is missed. She may not remember the names, but never forgets that they are there. She is eighty-six, and my wife’s mom is ninety, yet they both make sure that all in their family are remembered at Christmas. Both of their memories are fading and sometimes they don’t remember a visit or what they ate the previous day. Yet when it comes to Christmas and birthdays, well that’s different.

We can’t blame them for forgetting names of family members, after all our numbers are high, and they are old. Like most families, time, life, and circumstances lead to grand children and great grand children not visiting their nannies as much as they would like. On top of this, we have pretty much lost the last couple of years due to the “pandemic”. It’s an uncomfortable fact of life that many elders remain with memories of days gone by, as the days slowly pass by. Our mom’s, like many others wait patiently for someone to drop in for a cup of tea, a chat, and a hug. They watch out their windows for vehicles coming up the driveway, and light up when someone comes to sit a while just to get caught up on what’s going on. With family spread out, and may working long hours, it’s just a fact that regular visits don’t happen. Even if they can’t see or hear very well, they are overjoyed that someone came to spend a little time with them.

As I thought about our mom’s, I couldn’t help but see the similarity of God and grandmothers. He too, remembers each and every one of our names, birthdays and yes, what He will gift us with at Christmas. Inside His envelopes for every one of us is His personal invitation to visit. It also has His promise that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. Each one has our name on the outside, and I can imagine they are unsealed, making it easier to look inside. He also, sits waiting ever so patiently for us to visit. Unlike the human side, He overcomes a fracture in a family, His time is longer than ours, and as busy as life gets for us, He still makes a space to give us His undivided attention. Unlike our elderly mom’s, His eyesight, hearing, and memory are not failing. His hearing is so acute that He can hear what you are thinking. His eyesight is so sharp, He can see your future, because He has designed it. His memory is so good that the only thing He forgets, is our past. Our mom’s will eventually be a memory to us so it’s important to close in with them as much as we can. Their sight, hearing and memory will be restored when they join Him and our dad’s in the Heavens, which is what His card to them reads.

The day will come when we replace our mom’s, waiting for that loving visit by our children and grand children. This circle of life will be repeated over and over until we’re all together in eternity. This Christmas I encourage everyone to take stock of their lives, and family and visit with each other. Make and take time to visit the nannies and grampies so they can see your face and hear your voice. It’s a powerful gift that will hopefully be with them for a long time. Make a commitment to open the envelope from God and read what He has written for you and your future. Reflect on the gift of the birth of His son, Jesus, given to each one of us. Visit with Him more than just at Christmas time. Sit and have a chat and I guarantee that you will find that God and grandmother’s have more to offer you than you could ever imagine.

Mike Shindruk

Master’s Hand Ministry

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