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Writer's picturePastor Todd

I Know Where You Are

...And I know what is to come. If we go way back in my life to the days of chaos and stupidity, I was not a joy to live with. My father worked his tail off trying to get me to stay on the straight and narrow and, when it really went sideways, he was still watching over me. Both of my parents saw such potential and tried to get me to see it, but I was having none of that. I know better than anyone and you can’t tell me anything. Interesting thing, the older I get, the smarter my parents become.

Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. Matt 6:9-10 NLT

There was a moment when I was at the fork in the road, continue the road I was on and possibly end up in jail or call for help. I knew exactly who to call and I knew just where to find him. You may be thinking I called on Jesus, but you would be wrong, I called my dad. Even though we did not see eye to eye, he was there to gather me up within twenty minutes, he took me back in, gave me a place and, yes, gave me the talk.

“You are more than welcome to come home but you are expected to get a job, finish school and change your ways.”

I knew exactly where my father was, and I knew he would be there if needed. He also made sure I knew there was a standard to keep and wanted only what was best for me. Decades later, I came to understand that my Father in Heaven is also right there, all the time. My Father is in Heaven and His name is Holy. To call upon the name of the Lord, to call out for HIs help, is to ask for His guidance is not a sign of weakness but rather a nod to wisdom.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James1:5-6 NLT

This Sunday, we continue the series on the “Will of God”. Our service is at 10:30 AM both online and in person. The service will be broadcast online on our website (, or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB. 


Our Mission “To live the love of Christ”

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