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Ringing Out The Old 

The other day, I took the Jeep into the car wash because I was not sure what colour it actually was. I think the colour could best be described as a brown, grey mash smattered with white flake. Now the inside is very organized and fairly clean compared to the outside. It is interesting how we can look at the outside of a car, see the dirt and mess it is in, and make the assumption the inside is equally a shambles. Actually, it can happen with so many different things like houses, properties, clothing. You see, so many people judge by what they see on the outside and miss the importance of what is on the inside. I have seen some fabulous homes that look amazing but, on the inside, the love was missing, and the home was broken. There are those who are dressed to the nines, have rings on every finger, drive the best cars and seem to have it all but are suffering on the inside and take it out on those around them and on themselves through drug and alcohol abuse but you don’t see it until they end up on the news or even in the obituary column.  

At one time, I thought the external presentation was how society measured success and I tried to live up to it. Was I ever wrong. I started to look past the grease, grime and dirt, the bling, shine and pizzazz and discovered this truth; there is a blessing available to us all that is just waiting to be recognised. It is a cleaning that sets every one of us on the exact same footing. The mess can be cleansed, it is only temporary, and the rest can be washed away. What is truly important is this, once the dirt has been cleansed, leave it alone, leave it behind. Here is an example: I washed my Jeep and gave it a good wax job and then I cleaned the dust off the dash, shook out the mud mats and threw away the garbage. How ridiculous would it be to throw the mud I just cleaned off the Jeep back onto and into the vehicle?  

So, here is the good news to end the year; Jesus saves! Jesus cleanses from the inside out and does an amazing job. We can ask Him to cleanse us of our sins and He will. We can ask Him to show us a way to live a cleaner life and He will. We can ask Him to soften our heart and he will. You see, Jesus sees past the mud and grime of our outside and knows us better than we even know ourselves, right to our souls. So, when we ask Him to forgive us, cleanse us and take away our sins, we need to trust that He will do this and leave it in His hands. There is a time when we need to shake off the baggage of the past and ring in a new year. Is it time to embrace a new life in Christ? Trust me, He sees you in a way most of society does not understand and He looks forward to greeting us in person in Glory.  

But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” 

And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:40-43 NLT 

The thief on the cross was probably messed up big time but Jesus heard his heart welcomed him in. This is the new start; this is the new year. 

This Sunday, Pastor Todd will bring the final messages of 2023. Our service is at 10:30AM both online and in person. The service will be broadcast online on our website (, or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB. 





Our Mission “To live the love of Christ” 

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