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Writer's picturePastor Todd

Sowing The Seeds Of Understanding

The other day, I was talking to a person about my faith in Christ and was asked why I put my hope for eternity in what some would call a mythical being (his words, not mine). The conversation at this point could have gone two ways but I chose the path of helping this person understand why I believe what I do because, as I have stated in numerous counselling sessions over the past twenty some years, it is difficult to argue personal feelings as they are just that, my own. I took this as an opportunity to share the seeds of understanding, my understanding, with others so they have a wider base of knowledge to make their own decisions. You see, my relationship with Christ is so much different than anyone else's, that is why it is called a personal relationship. Where the foundation of my faith is in Christ and His message, I relate in a way that is different than that of my wife, Natalie yet we both love the Lord with all our heart. While the experience is different, our God is the exact same for us all and His love for us is perfect and exactly the same for each of us.

I shared this with my friend, and we chatted even more about matters of faith, love and peace until we got to the big question on his mind; how do I develop this relationship with Christ? There are many ways to explain this one and if you talk with the scholars or great leaders of a church or denomination, there are many “methods of declaring your faith in Christ” but truth be told, there is only one thing a person needs to do and it is very, very personal; “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17 NLT. This is the foundation of faith in Christ and from this, we can develop a deeper understanding through research, fellowship (bible studies, prayer groups etc.) and, over time, sharing with others. A while back, a friend confessed that their faith walk had become rather stagnant and boring, so I asked, “when was the last time you gathered with other members of faith in a prayer time or a bible study?” Their reply, (I don’t go to them because everyone talks above my head” to which I responded, “did you ask them to slow down and explain things a bit better?” You see, the seeds of understanding can only grow if you water them with the water of Life, His Word, and take time to let this river of knowledge wash away the doubts and allow Him to speak into your heart.

I am going to be rather blunt here; if you are not going to take advantage of the resources God has placed before you, you have only yourself to blame. If I give you a pry bar to pull out a nail and I help you understand how to pull said nail and you still just sit there staring at the nail and getting upset because it is not coming out on its own, then the issue is not with the pry bar or the messenger but rather it is with the individual. Sow the seeds of understanding, take time to walk with the person during the growing stage, help them to understand their new relationship and introduce them to others who are also on the same journey. This, in my opinion, is how to develop a strong, personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how to grow in your own faith walk.

This Sunday, Pastor Todd will be bringing the first message of 2025. Please plan to join us either in person or online at 10:30 AM this Sunday. The service will be broadcast online on our website ( ) or you are more than welcome to join us in person at 402 Main Ave. W in Sundre, AB.


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