God’s promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it. Hebrews 4:1 NLT
Over the years, I have done some wild things, made some huge mistakes and, in almost all circumstances, I have learned a thing or two from it. If you want the nitty gritty of these escapades, I am more than willing to share but I will tell you this; with every story I tell, I will also tell of the lesson. There were times when I would indulge way too much but did not see the effects until I quit drinking to get drunk. There was so much I missed during these times and there is no way to get it back. I used to work far too much (still do on occasion) and, again, I missed out on so much and, while there is no way to get it back, I do try to make amends for the errors of the past. Like I said, there are numerous things in my past that still haunt me, events missed, occasions forgotten, and while I cannot change the past, I do try to learn from them for the future. So much missed, so many things we wish we could do over. For some, the biggest fear is missing something, forgetting to show up completely or overlooking the big picture. We ought to fear this because, as a society, many are missing out and, at some point in time, this miss will lead to a fairly important consequence. The one mistake I fear the most for those around me is dreading they may miss the opportunity to fully appreciate the promise the Father made to us all through His Son. Life is full of distractions and indulgences, and many have forgotten the perfection that is covering us all in His loving embrace. His promise is for eternity and is easily achieved by simply proclaiming Christ as Saviour.
Clear the scales from your eyes and see what the Lord has set before you. Help others to see that it is never too late. For those who are skeptical, my question is why? Some will say they do not believe in a god so I ask, what do you believe? Some will say they have been burnt by the church to which I say the church is full of people who, at times, do or say the wrong thing but our God knows what He is doing. Some say “we’ll see” and I respond “at least think about it”. Do not wait too long to invite Him into your heart, don’t wait too long to experience His perfect Grace.
This Sunday, we will seek comfort in His message for all His children. For those who wish to know more about the fellowship of Christ, we invite you to join us either in person or watch online at 10:30 AM

“Clear the scales from your eyes and see what the Lord has set before you. Help others to see that it is never too late.”
- Pastor Todd